Financial Policies

The final Long Term Plan 2021-31 was adopted by Council on 14 July 2021, following consideration of all the submissions and feedback received.

Read the full Long Term Plan 2021-31 and supporting documents.


Thank you for your interest.

We're proposing small changes to a number of financial policies that support the Long Term Plan. The draft budgets in our Long Term Plan are based on these draft policies and plans.

If major changes are made to these policies and plans compared to what we've proposed, it might impact the Long Term Plan budgets.

Development Contributions Policy

The purpose of the Development Contributions Policy is to enable monetary (or land) contributions to be charged to developers. The principle underlying the Policy is that developers should meet the costs attributable to growth. Through this review of the Policy, there will be some increases in the level of development contributions - recognising that there is more growth happening, and more costs as a result. We’re also intending a further full policy review within the next three years to be undertaken alongside the Future Development Strategy and Spatial Planning work (which will guide how and where we grow, and indicate the infrastructure and services needed to support that growth).

Draft Development Contributions Policy 2021 - (PDF, 3 MB)

Financial contributions for roads and public reserves

Financial contributions provide a way for the Council to recover costs (or other in-kind contributions) from developers to help manage the direct impacts and adverse effects of their developments. As with development contributions, financial contributions provide a way to recover a fair portion of development-related costs from developers, rather than these costs being passed on to ratepayers. Through the review of financial contributions, we’re looking to extend contributions to cover additional facilities on reserves such as playgrounds, and increasing the cost per lot for financial contributions.

Draft Financial Contributions for Roads and Public Reserves - (PDF, 2 MB)

Revenue and financing policy

The Revenue and Financing Policy sets out the Council’s funding philosophy and describes how each of the Council’s activities will be funded (for example, the mix of general rates, targeted rates and other sources), including the rationale for each funding method. Although the Policy looks very different, and has been streamlined to make it easier to read, we’re not proposing any major changes to how activities are funded. We’re legally required to review this Policy.

Draft Revenue and Financing Policy - (PDF, 2.14 MB)

Rates remission and postponement policies

These policies define the circumstances in which the Council may remit or postpone rates. Remission of rates involves reducing the amount owing, or waiving collection of rates altogether. Postponement of rates means that the payment of rates is not waived in the first instance, but delayed for a certain time or until certain events occur. The review has suggested that the majority of the policies stay in their current form, but a number of small changes are proposed.

Draft Rates Remission and Postponement Polices - (PDF, 1.82 MB)

Fees and charges schedule

User fees and charges are one of the ways that Council can pass on some of the costs directly to those who benefit from the services and facilities they’re using. In this way, fees and charges reduce the amount of funding that is collected by rates. Numerous changes and updates are proposed to our fees and charges that would start from Thursday, 1 July 2021.

Draft Fees and Charges 2021-24 - (PDF, 2.67 MB)

Why these policies are being reviewed

Most of these policies are being reviewed because we review them on a regular cycle to make sure they are still appropriate.

These policies are being reviewed alongside the development of our Long Term Plan. The budgets in the Long Term Plan have been developed according to the policy settings in these draft policies. If the policies change as a result of consultation, there may be some consequential changes in the Long Term Plan budgets.

We are also consulting on key decisions for our Long Term Plan at this time. Find out more, and provide your feedback on the Long Term Plan 2021-31 Consultation page.

We want to hear from you

Tell us what you think about the draft Financial Policies by 5pm Sunday, 23 May 2021


Thank you for your interest.

We're proposing small changes to a number of financial policies that support the Long Term Plan. The draft budgets in our Long Term Plan are based on these draft policies and plans.

If major changes are made to these policies and plans compared to what we've proposed, it might impact the Long Term Plan budgets.

Development Contributions Policy

The purpose of the Development Contributions Policy is to enable monetary (or land) contributions to be charged to developers. The principle underlying the Policy is that developers should meet the costs attributable to growth. Through this review of the Policy, there will be some increases in the level of development contributions - recognising that there is more growth happening, and more costs as a result. We’re also intending a further full policy review within the next three years to be undertaken alongside the Future Development Strategy and Spatial Planning work (which will guide how and where we grow, and indicate the infrastructure and services needed to support that growth).

Draft Development Contributions Policy 2021 - (PDF, 3 MB)

Financial contributions for roads and public reserves

Financial contributions provide a way for the Council to recover costs (or other in-kind contributions) from developers to help manage the direct impacts and adverse effects of their developments. As with development contributions, financial contributions provide a way to recover a fair portion of development-related costs from developers, rather than these costs being passed on to ratepayers. Through the review of financial contributions, we’re looking to extend contributions to cover additional facilities on reserves such as playgrounds, and increasing the cost per lot for financial contributions.

Draft Financial Contributions for Roads and Public Reserves - (PDF, 2 MB)

Revenue and financing policy

The Revenue and Financing Policy sets out the Council’s funding philosophy and describes how each of the Council’s activities will be funded (for example, the mix of general rates, targeted rates and other sources), including the rationale for each funding method. Although the Policy looks very different, and has been streamlined to make it easier to read, we’re not proposing any major changes to how activities are funded. We’re legally required to review this Policy.

Draft Revenue and Financing Policy - (PDF, 2.14 MB)

Rates remission and postponement policies

These policies define the circumstances in which the Council may remit or postpone rates. Remission of rates involves reducing the amount owing, or waiving collection of rates altogether. Postponement of rates means that the payment of rates is not waived in the first instance, but delayed for a certain time or until certain events occur. The review has suggested that the majority of the policies stay in their current form, but a number of small changes are proposed.

Draft Rates Remission and Postponement Polices - (PDF, 1.82 MB)

Fees and charges schedule

User fees and charges are one of the ways that Council can pass on some of the costs directly to those who benefit from the services and facilities they’re using. In this way, fees and charges reduce the amount of funding that is collected by rates. Numerous changes and updates are proposed to our fees and charges that would start from Thursday, 1 July 2021.

Draft Fees and Charges 2021-24 - (PDF, 2.67 MB)

Why these policies are being reviewed

Most of these policies are being reviewed because we review them on a regular cycle to make sure they are still appropriate.

These policies are being reviewed alongside the development of our Long Term Plan. The budgets in the Long Term Plan have been developed according to the policy settings in these draft policies. If the policies change as a result of consultation, there may be some consequential changes in the Long Term Plan budgets.

We are also consulting on key decisions for our Long Term Plan at this time. Find out more, and provide your feedback on the Long Term Plan 2021-31 Consultation page.

We want to hear from you

Tell us what you think about the draft Financial Policies by 5pm Sunday, 23 May 2021