Thank you for your interest, consultation closed on Monday, 28 October.
The Honoa Hapori Community Connections service aims to provide better accessibility to Whakatāne District Council services in remote communities. Our goal is to bridge the gap between outlying communities and Whakatāne by providing two specially equipped vans that will serve as mobile hubs of engagement, provide information and some Council services.
The Honoa Hapori Community Connections service aims to provide better accessibility to Whakatāne District Council services in remote communities. Our goal is to bridge the gap between outlying communities and Whakatāne by providing two specially equipped vans that will serve as mobile hubs of engagement, provide information and some Council services.
Post your feedback to: Whakatāne District Council, Private Bag 1002, Whakatāne. Hand deliver it to: Whakatāne District Council, Civic Centre, Commerce Street, Whakatāne or Murupara Service Centre, Pine Drive, Murupara