Plan Change 8: Huna Road

Thank you for your interest. A public hearing was held on the 11th December 2024. The decisions of the Hearings Panel have now been issued and appeals are open until 2 April 2025.

Hearing: Plan Change: 8 Huna Road

What's happened?

Earlier this year Council went out for consultation on Plan Change 8 (Huna Road). 169 submissions and 3 further submissions were received. These can be viewed individually, all together in the Compilation of Submissions or as summaries in the Summary of Submissions.

The submissions were reviewed by Council and some of the issues investigated further with submitters. The Council planners recommended decisions on the submissions in the Planners Recommendation (s42A) Report.

A public hearing was held on the 11th December 2024 With a Hearings Panel of independent commissioners. 7 submitter groups spoke at the hearing with one submitter provide a written statement.

Decisions of the Hearings Panel were issued on Wednesday, 19 February 2025. They can be viewed in the Hearings Panel Decision Report.

Making room to grow
Ka whai wāhi kia whakanui ai ngā takiwā whare

We want to make a change to the Whakatāne District Plan (our ‘rule book’) to increase housing capacity for the district. We want to know what you think before we make any changes.

What's proposed?
He aha te tono?

Council wants to rezone land at 12 Huna Road (more commonly known as Julians Berry Farm), 30A Huna Road and 234A State Highway 30 to allow residential development.

Why are we doing this?
He aha mãtau e mahi new I tēnei?

In 2021, the owners of 12 Huna Road approached Council because they wanted to develop their property. A concept plan for the development has been done as well as the supporting technical work. There was a strong case for Council to develop this as a public plan change, allowing it to be rezoned. In addition, neighbouring properties have been included at their owners’ request.

What does this all mean?
He aha tēnei?

This change is called Plan Change 8 and it will provide:

  • for more housing that meets the requirements under the National Policy Statement Urban Development
  • a diverse range of housing, including Papakāinga housing
  • a coordinated approach to the development of infrastructure.

What this plan isn't aboout

This plan change isn't about whether or not 12 Huna Road (more commonly known as Julians Berry Farm), 30A Huna Road and 234A State Highway 30 should be sold. It's simply about changing our rule book to make it easier for the owners of the land to develop.

When can you have your say?
Ahea ka taea e koe te tono mai?

Submissions on Plan Change 8 have been received and a public hearing held on the 11th of December 2024. Decisions of the Hearings Panel were issued on the 19th February 2025. Submitters are able to make appeals on the decisions to the Environment Court until 5pm, 2 April 2025.For information on how to make an appeal, please see the public notice or on the Environment Court website.

You can find out more about proposed plan changes and private plan changes on our website.

Thank you for your interest. A public hearing was held on the 11th December 2024. The decisions of the Hearings Panel have now been issued and appeals are open until 2 April 2025.

Hearing: Plan Change: 8 Huna Road

What's happened?

Earlier this year Council went out for consultation on Plan Change 8 (Huna Road). 169 submissions and 3 further submissions were received. These can be viewed individually, all together in the Compilation of Submissions or as summaries in the Summary of Submissions.

The submissions were reviewed by Council and some of the issues investigated further with submitters. The Council planners recommended decisions on the submissions in the Planners Recommendation (s42A) Report.

A public hearing was held on the 11th December 2024 With a Hearings Panel of independent commissioners. 7 submitter groups spoke at the hearing with one submitter provide a written statement.

Decisions of the Hearings Panel were issued on Wednesday, 19 February 2025. They can be viewed in the Hearings Panel Decision Report.

Making room to grow
Ka whai wāhi kia whakanui ai ngā takiwā whare

We want to make a change to the Whakatāne District Plan (our ‘rule book’) to increase housing capacity for the district. We want to know what you think before we make any changes.

What's proposed?
He aha te tono?

Council wants to rezone land at 12 Huna Road (more commonly known as Julians Berry Farm), 30A Huna Road and 234A State Highway 30 to allow residential development.

Why are we doing this?
He aha mãtau e mahi new I tēnei?

In 2021, the owners of 12 Huna Road approached Council because they wanted to develop their property. A concept plan for the development has been done as well as the supporting technical work. There was a strong case for Council to develop this as a public plan change, allowing it to be rezoned. In addition, neighbouring properties have been included at their owners’ request.

What does this all mean?
He aha tēnei?

This change is called Plan Change 8 and it will provide:

  • for more housing that meets the requirements under the National Policy Statement Urban Development
  • a diverse range of housing, including Papakāinga housing
  • a coordinated approach to the development of infrastructure.

What this plan isn't aboout

This plan change isn't about whether or not 12 Huna Road (more commonly known as Julians Berry Farm), 30A Huna Road and 234A State Highway 30 should be sold. It's simply about changing our rule book to make it easier for the owners of the land to develop.

When can you have your say?
Ahea ka taea e koe te tono mai?

Submissions on Plan Change 8 have been received and a public hearing held on the 11th of December 2024. Decisions of the Hearings Panel were issued on the 19th February 2025. Submitters are able to make appeals on the decisions to the Environment Court until 5pm, 2 April 2025.For information on how to make an appeal, please see the public notice or on the Environment Court website.

You can find out more about proposed plan changes and private plan changes on our website.

Page last updated: 20 Feb 2025, 03:26 PM