Plan Change 4: Building Platform Level

Managing Flood Risk
E whakahaere ana i ngā Tūraru Waipuke

We want to make some changes to the Whakatāne District Plan (‘our rule book’) to help manage flood risk and simplify the consenting process. But, before we do, we want to know what you think.

He hokinga whakamuri

Flood risk to a building is identified at the start of the build process. If a new building is at risk its platform must be raised above the predicted flood level.

Te take

  • The current floor level rule is hard to understand and doesn’t cover all building methods, like using piled foundations.
  • The rule also makes the process to get consent for an addition harder than it should be.
  • Currently there is no set flood level threshold. This means the Council can’t fully manage flood risk based on how much risk each property faces.

What's proposed?
He aha te tono?

  • We want to change the wording of the existing rule so piled foundations can be used to raise building platform levels.
  • We want to make it easier to add small extensions to buildings and build attached garages below the flood level.
  • A resource consent will be required whenever the predicted flood level is over 300mm depth.

What does this all mean?
He aha tēnei panonitanga?

These changes are called ‘Plan Change 4’ and signal a change to our rule book.

When can you have your say?
Āhea ka taea e koe te tono mai?

You can have your say about the proposed changes from Friday, 14 February 2025. Keep an eye out on this page, our social media accounts, and website for more information. Submissions close at 5pm, Thursday 13 March 2025.

You can find out more about proposed plan changes and private plan changes on our website.

Managing Flood Risk
E whakahaere ana i ngā Tūraru Waipuke

We want to make some changes to the Whakatāne District Plan (‘our rule book’) to help manage flood risk and simplify the consenting process. But, before we do, we want to know what you think.

He hokinga whakamuri

Flood risk to a building is identified at the start of the build process. If a new building is at risk its platform must be raised above the predicted flood level.

Te take

  • The current floor level rule is hard to understand and doesn’t cover all building methods, like using piled foundations.
  • The rule also makes the process to get consent for an addition harder than it should be.
  • Currently there is no set flood level threshold. This means the Council can’t fully manage flood risk based on how much risk each property faces.

What's proposed?
He aha te tono?

  • We want to change the wording of the existing rule so piled foundations can be used to raise building platform levels.
  • We want to make it easier to add small extensions to buildings and build attached garages below the flood level.
  • A resource consent will be required whenever the predicted flood level is over 300mm depth.

What does this all mean?
He aha tēnei panonitanga?

These changes are called ‘Plan Change 4’ and signal a change to our rule book.

When can you have your say?
Āhea ka taea e koe te tono mai?

You can have your say about the proposed changes from Friday, 14 February 2025. Keep an eye out on this page, our social media accounts, and website for more information. Submissions close at 5pm, Thursday 13 March 2025.

You can find out more about proposed plan changes and private plan changes on our website.

Page last updated: 26 Feb 2025, 02:35 PM