Reimagine – the future of the Whakatāne District

Consultation has concluded

Ko te ao o te kōwhai – The budding of the kōwhai

The world, and our rohe, have changed significantly in the past year. The Whakaari/White Island event and COVID-19 have presented unexpected challenges, while the $36.8 million injection from the Provincial Growth fund offers unparalleled opportunities for the Whakatāne District.

We’ve got more challenges and opportunities ahead of us - things like strengthening the economy, taking action on climate change, supporting recreation and the arts and preparing our District’s infrastructure for the future.

We want our communities to help shape the future of the Whakatāne District – which is why we’ve designed ‘Reimagine our District – Pohewatia anō tō tātou rohe’.

‘Reimagine our District’ is an over-arching project that will help identify things that are important for our future and guide how we will work towards them. Good insight into the views, preferences and aspirations of the community is crucial – all feedback from the community is reviewed by elected members and helps them make the big decisions on the things that matter most.

The whakataukī, or Māori proverb, for this project is ‘Ko te ao o te kōwhai – The budding of the kōwhai’. It represents a new season, a new opportunity to thrive, while remembering the roots from which we’ve grown.

Ko te ao o te kōwhai – let's enable our district and its people to grow and prosper together.

Join the conversation

Between now and June 2021 is a critical period for Council decision-making. The ‘roadmap’ on the right of this page outlines the phases and projects that we'll need your feedback on.

This is your opportunity to help reimagine what the future of the Whakatāne District should be. Tell us what you think so we can work together towards the things that matter most.

Register now to provide your feedback and stay in loop.

Ko te ao o te kōwhai – The budding of the kōwhai

The world, and our rohe, have changed significantly in the past year. The Whakaari/White Island event and COVID-19 have presented unexpected challenges, while the $36.8 million injection from the Provincial Growth fund offers unparalleled opportunities for the Whakatāne District.

We’ve got more challenges and opportunities ahead of us - things like strengthening the economy, taking action on climate change, supporting recreation and the arts and preparing our District’s infrastructure for the future.

We want our communities to help shape the future of the Whakatāne District – which is why we’ve designed ‘Reimagine our District – Pohewatia anō tō tātou rohe’.

‘Reimagine our District’ is an over-arching project that will help identify things that are important for our future and guide how we will work towards them. Good insight into the views, preferences and aspirations of the community is crucial – all feedback from the community is reviewed by elected members and helps them make the big decisions on the things that matter most.

The whakataukī, or Māori proverb, for this project is ‘Ko te ao o te kōwhai – The budding of the kōwhai’. It represents a new season, a new opportunity to thrive, while remembering the roots from which we’ve grown.

Ko te ao o te kōwhai – let's enable our district and its people to grow and prosper together.

Join the conversation

Between now and June 2021 is a critical period for Council decision-making. The ‘roadmap’ on the right of this page outlines the phases and projects that we'll need your feedback on.

This is your opportunity to help reimagine what the future of the Whakatāne District should be. Tell us what you think so we can work together towards the things that matter most.

Register now to provide your feedback and stay in loop.

Consultation has concluded
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