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Plan Change 8: Huna Road
Thank you for your interest. A public hearing was held on the 11th December 2024. The decisions of the Hearings Panel have now been issued and appeals are open until
Archived Projects
Significance and Engagement Policy
What is a Significance and Engagement Policy?
The Council is committed to making informed and sustainable decisions in the best interests of the communities and District and to ensure that...
Annual Plan - Te Mahere ā-Tau 2020/21
Consultation has closed
Consultation for the Annual Plan 2020-21 closed Monday, 15 June 2020. The Annual Plan and Fees and Charges for 2020/21 were formally adopted on Wednesday, 15 July...
Draft Cemeteries and Crematoria Bylaw 2020
We've reviewed the Cemeteries and Crematoria Bylaw 2018 as a result of a request for natural burials to be allowed in the Whakatāne District.
We're now seeking your views on...
Climate Change Strategy and Action Plans - Te tuhinga hukihuki mō te Rautaki me ngā Mahere Mahi Huringa Āhuarangi
Thank you for your interest, consultation closed 5 pm, Friday 4 September 2020.
View the adopted Climate Change Strategy.
View the adopted Climate Change Action Plan: Leadership and Collaboration.
Future in Focus - Arotahi ki Anamata
Consultation has closed
Consultation for Future in Focus - Arotahi ki Anamata closed Monday, 6 July 2020. Your feedback will help shape the Long Term Plan 2021-31.
Our District
... -
Waste Management and Minimisation Plan (WMMP)
Te Mahere Whakahaere me te Whakaiti Para
Thank you for your interest. You can find the adopted Waste Management and Minimisation Plan (WMMP) on our...
Financial Policies
Thank you for your interest.
We're proposing small changes to a number of financial policies that support the Long Term Plan. The draft budgets in...
Long Term Plan 2021-31
The Whakatāne District Council plays a key role in addressing the challenges and opportunities facing our District and supporting communities to be strong and vibrant...
Te Arotake Whakaahuatanga - Whakatāne District Representation Review 2022
Kia ora, thank you for your interest.
Submissions for the Representation Review have now closed.
The Mayor and Councillors will consider all submissions on Thursday, 14 October and a final...
Active Whakatāne (Apanui Avenue Neighbourhood Greenways)
Road works to complete Stage 1 of the Apanui Avenue Neighbourhood Greenway project will take place from Monday, 28 June to Sunday, 18 July 2021.
The Apanui Avenue and McGarvey...
Rural School Speed Review
Changes are coming to speed limits outside schools as part of our Local Road Speed Review.
As part of a nationwide programme led by Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, councils...
Te Ara Hou
Stage 1 Consultation Summary
Stage 1 engagement for the Whakatāne Town Centre and Riverfront Revitalisation Programme is now complete. Thanks to everyone who contributed to this consultation process. Just under...
Active Whakatāne (College Road Safer Travel Route)
Our Active Whakatāne Strategy aims to make walking, cycling, and scootering around our district safer and easier through education and purpose-built infrastructure.
As part of this strategy, we’re creating Safer...
Innovating Streets
There's been a lot of community interest in the Wairaka Innovating Streets project.
Now that the installations have been in place for a while, we'd like to explore people’s thoughts...
Active Whakatāne (Salonika and Crete Street, and Pouwhare and Hikurangi Neighbourhood Greenways)
Our Active Whakatāne strategy aims to make walking, cycling and scootering around our district safer and easier.
As part of this strategy, we're creating neighbourhood greenways that encourage lower traffic...
Easter Sunday Shop Trading Policy Review 2023
In 2016, the Shop Trading Hours Act 1990 (“the Act”) was amended to allow all councils in New Zealand to choose whether to allow shops in...
Draft Eastern Bay of Plenty Local Alcohol Policy - 2023
Local alcohol policies (LAP) are not mandatory however, the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 (the Act) allows councils to develop LAPS for their...
Property Policy 2023
Thank you, this survey has now closed.
Council owns property for a variety of reasons. For example, Parks, and facilities such as swimming pools and library’s provide wellbeing and recreation...
Backflow Prevention Policy
Thank you for your interest, this survey has now closed.
Providing clean and safe drinking water to our communities is one of the highest priorities for Council and is a...
Community Safety Camera Project
Kia ora, welcome to our community conversation platform. It’s great to have you here!
We want to work together to make our communities the best they can be for our...
Re notification of Proposed Plan Change 5: Accessible Parking
In 2020, the Government required all councils to remove minimum parking requirements from their District Plans (The following link opens in a new window.National Policy Statement - Urban Development 2020...
Whāia tonuhia - Let's keep moving
Kia ora, welcome to our community conversation platform. It’s great to have you here!
We want to work together to make our communities the best they can be for our...
Draft Whakatāne District Speed Management Plan
We want everyone who calls the Whakatāne District home, or who visits our communities, to be safe when using our streets and roads. To do this, we need the right...
Transport Choices - Shaw Road and Awatapu cycle and pedestrian paths
Whakatāne District Council has received 100% funding of $3.5 million from Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency’s Transport Choices Programme for the development of a 2-kilometre shared use path from the...
Climate Change Strategy Review
The climate is changing. It's incredibly complex and at times overwhelming. It's already affecting our weather, health and wellbeing, natural environment, taonga species, mahinga kai, food production, biosecurity, infrastructure, and...
Arts, Culture and Creativity Strategy
Arts, culture and creativity sparking connections in every corner of our district.
What's happening?
Arts, culture and creativity plays a vital role in enabling thriving communities, and are so important...
Fees and charges proposal for 2023/24
Outcome following consultation
Council fees and charges are increasing to ensure we can maintain our district’s great community services and facilities, process applications, and carry out other obligations under government...
Community Grants and Funding Policy review 2023
Community Grants and Funding Policy / Te Kaupapa Here Karāti me te Putea Hapori
Whakatāne District Council manages a range of funds that enable us to support community-led projects and...
Mā Koutou, Mā Tātau - Our People, Our Spaces
Rex Morpeth Recreation Hub Master Plan
We want to create community spaces where people can come together to do the things they love.
Sport - recreation - arts - culture -
Draft Road Naming and Property Addressing Policy
To ensure road names reflect local history, culture, and identity, Council is seeking feedback on the draft Road Naming and Property Addressing Policy.
The new draft policy aims to provide...
Creative Hub
Whakatāne District’s inaugural Arts, Culture and Creativity Strategy
Te Rautaki Toi, Ahurea me Auahatanga 2023-2033 vision is:“Arts, culture and creativity sparking connections in every corner of our District”
“E... -
Whakatāne Climate Pathway
Thank you for your interest, consultation closed at 5 pm Friday 12 April.
Responding to the impacts of climate change on the district and doing our bit to reduce future...
Financial Policies (Long Term Plan 2024-34)
Te Mahere Pae Tawhiti 2024-34
These documents are being reviewed alongside the development of our Long Term Plan. The budgets in the Long Term Plan have been developed according to...
Long Term Plan 2024-34
Te Mahere Pae Tawhiti 2024-34
The Long Term Plan is like the District's roadmap for the next decade. This Consultation Document is your opportunity to weigh in on what's been...
Draft Whakatāne District Tree Strategy - Ngā Taonga a Tāne
Thank you for your interest. Consultation closed at 5pm, Thursday 5 September.
The identity of Whakatāne District is centred around its natural environment. Communities are passionate and proud of the...
Draft Public Places Bylaw and Freedom Camping Bylaw
The Council is reviewing the Public Places Bylaw which currently includes rules around freedom camping. We're proposing to remove the freedom camping rules from within the Public Places Bylaw and...
Honoa Hapori Community Connections Project
The Honoa Hapori Community Connections service aims to provide better accessibility to Whakatāne District Council services in remote communities. Our goal is to bridge the gap between outlying communities and...
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy
In early 2024, the Council signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Whakatāne - Accessible and Inclusive (WAI) Charitable Trust to enable a closer working relationship with, and improved understanding...
Plan Change 4: Building Platform Level
Managing Flood Risk
E whakahaere ana i ngā Tūraru WaipukeWe want to make some changes to the Whakatāne District Plan (‘our rule book’) to help manage flood risk and...